5 Signs You're in the Wrong Job

It’s a feeling that affects all too many…the feeling that you are filling a seat, not a purpose. Take a moment to perform an honest gut check using these 5 signs that you are in the wrong job:
#1: You are working just as hard, if not harder, than your colleagues but getting less results.
Even the smartest and most motivated person in the office can tank in productivity if put in the wrong role. Constantly working against your grain takes huge amounts of energy. Adding insult to injury, you have little to show for your hard work. If you are constantly exhausted at the end of the day and still not hitting your marks, then you should re-examine your job fit.
#2: You’d rather get a root canal than go to work.
If you would rather go through painful experiences than go to work each day, take that as a clue you are in the wrong position. In all seriousness, work should be something you look forward to and feel inspired by. If you consider your job to be a necessary evil, something to be avoided, or “coasted through,” then you need to look for other options.
#3: You constantly procrastinate.
If you are usually diligent and on top of your work, but now find yourself missing important deadlines, something is wrong. Procrastination is a natural defense mechanism for tasks that fall outside of your strengths. Pull out a piece of paper and list the tasks you regularly put off. If you just outlined your job description, you need to find another position.
Disclaimer: there are some people who naturally procrastinate and harness urgency to be productive. The key is that these folks continue to get results from their work.
#4: You aren’t inspired.
Inspiration comes easily when you are operating within your glide pattern. Things click. Ideas flow. Energy abounds. When you operate outside of your natural strengths, you feel like a shell of yourself. Your mind goes blank and you grasp for creativity. If that’s you, you are in the wrong position.
#5: You are experiencing health problems.
Don’t underestimate how much your job affects your health. In a survey performed by the American Psychological Association, nearly 1/3 of responders said stress has a strong impact on their health. Stress at work can create problems with your physical and mental health as well as your relationships. If you are sacrificing your well-being for your career, it’s time to move on.
Don’t settle.
Experts say we spend 90,000 hours – about 1/3 of our lives – at work. Make that a life investment you can be proud of. Fight for the right fit. Fight for a fulfilling career. Fight to make a real impact on the world. Your ideal job is out there. Don’t settle until you find it.
You've got this š
P.S. If you said yes to one or more of the questions above, it’s time to take action. I'll help you align your work with your strengths. Book a FREE strategy session with me to learn more.
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